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We publish materials rooted in the Classical-Charlotte Mason-Montessori continuum, specializing in materials that promote engaged learning in the home-school and Montessori classroom.
The Task Card Series covers grammar and dialectic stage geography and culture, history, science, music, art, and grammar reinforcement.
These sets, designed for grades K-8, direct students toward trusted tools of learning within a prepared learning environment.
The task card approach is easily customized and provides a pace and structure that balances self-direction with attention to detail.
Each volume of the Recitation and Enrichment Series covers recitation and enrichment objectives for all grades in an open-and-go, week-plan format.
These volumes facilitate relational learning in home and school settings. They correspond to the Task Card Series and include cumulative recitations in history, Latin, math, and science.
An innovative tiered approach is applied to copywork and dictation exercises.
Enrichment plans are based on the Charlotte Mason approach to education. They include vocabulary, nature study, habit training, music, and art.
Investigative, Self-Directed Learning for Grades 9-12
Directed toward rhetoric level students, this series brings the principles of the Task Card Approach to the high school level. The four volume series includes year-plans covering the Ancient World, Medieval World, Early Modern World, and Modern World. Each volume is comprised of task cards which direct students to engage in a variety of research and response objectives. The Creek Edge Press High School History and Literature Series is designed to move students beyond the objectives and narrative of the grammar and dialectic years. The enriched narrative and format ensures that students will not find in this course a repeat of previous study.
Comprehensive Plans for the Foundational Years
Each volume includes 32 weekly plans which include objectives in:
· Basic Studies - Math, Language Arts, and Recitation
· Enrichment - Literature and Poetry Selections, Vocabulary-Rich Themed Exploration
· Montessori - Self Directed Learning in a Prepared Environment
· Habits and Routines for Learning and Daily Life
Also included are a comprehensive resource list, step by step directions for preparing the learning environment, a guide for selecting books and materials, and tips to help your student thrive during these foundational years.
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